September 5, 2012

Hello Kitties!

Ahh! This is officially the third day that the cats have been with me, and I am enjoying every second. I'd meant to get this blog started sooner, but unfortunately playing with the cats trumped any attempt I made to be productive. The cuteness just overwhelmed me! 

I picked up Lola (the black cat) and Pixie (the white one) a few days ago and was told that they are a very bonded pair who had been rescued from the pound together.  I don't know much about their past, but they are certainly attached to one another, so much so that I'm beginning to wonder if they may not be mother and daughter. They act like it at least.

Lola is older and has been looking out for Pixie from day one. When I first brought them home, Lola was the first in and immediately was out of her carrier and exploring the room. As I brought Pixie's crate in though, she instantly ran over and began to wash Pixie as soon as she got out. It was adorable. Ever since, Lola has been watching over Pixie, showing her all the cool places in the house and making sure to check on her every so often if she's out of sight.

They are an adorable pair and I can't wait to get to know them better! Check out the posts below (err...above?) to learn a little more about each of them!

If you're interested in adopting, feel free to comment or message me here and I'll be sure to get back to you ASAP! :)

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